Énosium - An AI-Dev Extravaganza


AI/ML Hackathon organized by DSC and the Cynaptics Club, IIT Indore. An invaluable and exciting blend of AI and Web.

AI-Dev Extravaganza


Grab the opportunity to forge memorable friendships with people from all across the country.

AI-Dev Extravaganza


Get ready to check out what others do differently and embrace the horizon of shining together in collaboration.









Learn from others

Not only do you get to learn while making your own project, but you can also check out other projects once the hackathon is over to see what others did differently.

Build Your Network

You’ll get exposure to some of the best minds in the country, not just among the participants, but also the judges. You can make friends and forge professional relationships with people from all across the country.

Satisfy the coder within

That feeling of pleasure you get when you fix a bug after searching for hours and your program finally works? Almost every coder knows that feeling. Come hunt for it here.


Why You Should Join Event ?

For the first time ever, IIT Indore presents Énosium, a hackathon organized by the IIT Indore chapter of the Google Developers Students Club and IIT Indore's premier AI/ML body, the Cynaptics Club. In today’s competitive world, ML is fast emerging as a very useful and in-demand skill. Its applications are too many to count, and yet new ones are found every day. The smart systems of the present and the future are based upon this powerful tool. On the other hand, Web Development is a well-established skill that still holds immense potential.

A website is usually the first thing that a user usually sees before using a digital product. How well you can design your website plays a huge role on how successful your product might be. Keeping in mind the importance of both these domains, we decided to come up with a platform for enthusiasts to learn and showcase their conjunction.

join event
About Us

learn new things and connect with awesome people

The Cynaptics Club is IIT Indore's premier Machine Learning Student body. It is actively engaged in working with the latest trends in Machine Learning and AI for the benefit of society. Working in projects harboring a definite social impact, it also organizes various workshops and talk sessions with distinguished individuals who spearhead the cutting edge AI/ML in their respective domains.

Developer Student Club IITI (DSC-IITI) is a club in collaboration with Google Developers that targets passionate students from developer communities across the globe.It immensely focusses on helping students bridge the gap between theory and practice be it Android, Cloud or Data Science - this is a unique platform for students to not just learn through P2P workshops but solve actual real-world problems for the local community through sponsored projects.


events schedule

The schedule of the hackathon has been designed to provide the participants with adequate amount of time to expand their skills.


get your reward

Earn exciting prizes for your hard work and creativity!

Polygon Track (Sponsor)

  • ₹10,000 for the best hack built on Ethereum, or
  • ₹15,000 for the best hack built on Ethereum + Polygon,
  • Eligibility to apply for internship/full-time roles and seed funding of up to 5,000 USD for winners!

Tezos Track (Sponsor)

  • ₹20,000 for best Dapp built on Tezos
  • Continuity grant opportunity up to 5,000 USD for an outstanding project.

Celo Track (Sponsor)

  • ₹20,000 for best Dapp built on Celo

Filecoin Track (Sponsor)

  • ₹20,000 for best use of IPFS and/or Filecoin
  • Microgrants up to 5000 USD, open grants up to 50,000 USD.

Main Track 1

  • Prizes upto 20,000 for grabs for the top entries.

Main Track 2 (Dozee)

  • Prizes upto 25,000 for grabs for the top entries. PPI opportunities will be offered to top 2 teams.

know our revered judges

The esteemed personalities who have made it possible for our hackathon to have a fair announcement of results.

Community Partners

meet our Community Partners

We are elated to present to you our supportive team of our amazing community partners, who stand by us to further transcend our team.


IIT Bhilai


NIT Jalandhar





Frequently Asked Questions

Here we address some of the most frequently asked queries of the participants regarding the hackathon. Please go through this section to get an epitomized understanding of everything you need to know.

The registrations will begin on 5th December and close on 14th December EOD. The coding phase of the hack will take place from Dec 15, 2021 to Dec 25, 2021. The results are expected to be declared latest by 31st December 2021.

The maximum team size is limited to 4. You may also choose to go solo, no issues.

The main tracks will be released at the start of the coding phase, i.e, on 15th December.

We invite participation from everyone who has a knack for working on practical problems related to AI/ML.

The winners shall stand to win prizes in excess of INR 1 Lac.

Participants are required to join the discord channel for posting any queries and issues with regards to this hackathon. Any minor updates regarding the event will also be posted therein.

That’s normal. Most people don’t have an idea before they get to the event. Even if you are a novice, you may work in a team, which may prove to be your ultimate chance to learn. Who knows, relishing your goals, you may hit the jackpot! Protip: Invite your friends to come to the hackathon too! That way you’re guaranteed to have at least one familiar face.

The judging criteria will be released along with the problem statement, i.e, on 15th December.

Though not mandated as such, it is highly encouraged for you to make your submissions under the Main Tracks. However, you can also pursue the Sponsor Tracks concurrently to maximize your rewards. In case you wish to pursue the Sponsor Tracks concurrently, you are technically free to do so. However, preference will be given to those working under Main Tracks in deciding the grand winner.

No. You can join only one team. If found as a part of more than one team, your participation will be rendered void.